

The Session

In the Presbyterian system of church government, each local congregation elects a group of Elders who meet in what is called a ‘Session’. The Session has the overall responsibility for the direction, Christian education, and pastoral care of the congregation. You can find a more detailed description of the form of our church government at

At St. Andrew’s Whitby, your Session meets at least once a month to discuss the concerns of the church and to assist the minister in making operational decisions for the benefit of our people. As well as the monthly meetings, the Elders lead Committees of Session for more in depth examination of issues and ideas. The committees bring their recommendations to the full Session for consideration. Session encourages the participation of congregational members as well as Elders on these committees. At present we have the following committees:

Worship Committee: Times and dates of worship, order of service, liturgy, music and special events.

Mission Committee: Support of local and overseas missions. Dispensing of relief within the community.

Christian Education Committee: Sunday School and youth programs. Bible Studies. Educational events.

Personnel Committee: Recruitment and support of church staff.

Each Elder is assigned a “district” which is a list of church families who are entrusted to the care of the Elder. In these busy times, it is sometimes hard for Elders to regularly visit their district, but the goal of session is for Elders and families to establish a friendly and supportive relationship. If your Elder asks to visit your home, please welcome your Elder and share your ideas and family concerns with him or her. If you do not know who your Elder is, ask or Gary Mountjoy, Clerk of Session.

Active members of Session are the following Ruling Elders: Cindy Boyd, John Campbell, Andrea Fudali, Jane McCarron, Gary MountJoy, Cathy Ross, Lynne Sikorski, Sheila Smyth and Grant Terry.